Uncategorized November 14, 2022

How To Prepare Your Home For Winter

Just like you maintain your car every 5k miles, it’s even more important to keep your most expensive asset running smoothly. Cooler temperatures and falling leaves is the perfect sign to get your winter checklist started.


Items to add to your to-do list.


Interior Items

  1. Have your furnace inspected. (insider tip) I always note this as a buyers agent while walking through a home. If there is a tag on the system with yearly inspections, that is a good sign the home has been well maintained through the seller’s ownership. Stock up on filters to be changed frequently.

  2. Winterize air conditioning systems. Store away those window units, close up those windows for the coming colder nights. If you have central a/c check on the exterior unit, clean off any debris and possibly cover if recommended.

  3. Check your thermostats. Switch to your winter settings. Buy programmable, there are many rebates and incentives offered when you switch to more efficient models. Check out https://www.energystar.gov/rebate-finder They will send you a check when you mail in rebate and receipts. You welcome!

  4. Check your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. Change batteries and run a test. It really could save a life!


  1. Get your driveway markers ready if you live in the colder parts of the country. Having your driveway marked out will make it easier for when the hefty amounts of snow are here! Don’t forget your mailbox, they can easily become completely covered when living on a main road.

  2. Check your landscaping. Trim anything overgrown, especially if near your electrical wires. Check your exterior heating exhaust for any overgrown landscaping. This could cause deadly disasters mixed with snow, if pipe becomes buried.

  3. Do a roof check. This is the time creatures begin to look for winter homes. A lot of newer homes have ridge vents, sometimes they aren’t completely closed and smaller animals like bats can get easily in. Have an experienced contractor take a peek. Home inspectors can miss items as it really is not a defect in a home. Also look for missing or damaged shingles.

  4. Inspect siding- Look for cracks and holes to be repaired before winter.

  5. Clean the gutters. If you have clogged gutters this could cause problems with ice dams. If water is not able to drain effectively on those warm days, backups will occur and make for larger problems.

  6. Check your water drainage areas. When the water does drain make sure area is clear and it does not sit and turn to ice on those cold days. Always steer the water away from foundation, seepage is never good and can cause damp and moldy basements.

  7. Check your exterior doors and window seals for drafts. Remove screens and Install storm doors where necessary.

  8. Turn off outdoor faucets and store away hoses. Leaving them on over winter on can cause cracks and leaks in the valve. There are usually shut offs in the interior of the home.

  9. Service your irrigation. The system usually needs to be shut off from the interior and properly drained.

  10. Leaf removal. Rake and remove leaves from yard. Leaves will damage your lawn if kept for an extended amount of time.

  11. Fertilize lawn. Applying fall fertilizer will prepare lawn for springtime with less weeds and greener grass.

  12. Putaway all seasonal furniture and items. Storing these items will extend lifetime of your purchases.

  13. Get that winter equipment ready. Make sure the snow equipment is ready to go. Buy extra gasoline to be prepared for any early storms. Always store in secure and proper locations.

  14. Test the generator. In some areas when you loose power, it will prevent you from water usage if you have a well. Very important fact you should be are aware of!


Homes are meant to be enjoyed but these easy preventative measures will help save you time and energy costs in the future. When a home is properly maintained, the added benefits will far out weight the minor inconveniences of today.